I can’t believe I found it... my all time favorite dog toy that has no squeaker in it. It’s a little different from the rope ball I found a while ago for my dog Sydney but it sure is close enough – it has an extra rope handle that the original rope ball didn’t have which makes it easier for tossing to my dog – and a little less slobber to come in contact with!! It’s a soft string rope ball dog toy but the rope is untwisted, leaving it more like a big furry, soft blob of a toy. Sydney, my Australian Shepherd (you can read more about her and why we started the DT Stuffz website by going to our About DogToyStuffz page) is the reason why I love this particular no-squeaky dog toy so much!
This cotton ball no-squeaker dog toy has been her absolute favorite of all her “puppies” (she responds to them when I tell her to “go get your puppy”!). She loves to carry it around with such care and sleeps with it at her head. She won’t let any of the other dogs ever come near to this fluffy plush puppy toy. It’s funny, because if any dog toy I give her has plastic or any hard surface, she is fine with the others playing with it. But this soft toy really is like one of her puppies, no other dog is allowed to come near, move it, or touch it without her ready to attack and protect.
Any time I have seen these, and it’s rare, in a pet or dog store, I buy them all. But because we have such trouble finding them online, we are sharing our next best favorites that are made of rope and string, even some softer than others. We’ll keep looking online for our favorite string ball. And we will add them here the minute we find any. In the meantime, check out some of our rope dog toy selections below. Many come in all sizes for small dogs to large ones. We actually like to have various sizes and will trade off toys when Sydney has slobbered too much on one – or it was left outside one too many times. She seems to like the size difference since it’s like a new baby for her each time.
I do have to be careful how I introduce the new dog toy because she will hoard them all. One of the other problems I have had with this rope dog toy is that it can be pulled apart. But, even if the small rope bits are swallowed they seem to easily come out without any problem – mainly because they are such short rope pieces! If you are at all worried about your dog swallowing string pieces then you might take a look at some of our other non-squeak dog toys we like. I just know that Sydney loves these and they are hard to find. I love them for her!