Oh yay! We found these cool, cute, soft plush and safe dog toys from Kong. You’ve heard us before about our quest for soft plush dog toys that don’t have the squeakers in them – always on the lookout for safe dog toys. These seem pretty clear on their safety factors and we’ve ordered our supply for this doggie household. These are made by Kong, a giant in the dog toy industry, especially for indestructible dog toys.
These particular removable squeaker dog toys can be found under the names of Kong Material Dog Toys or Dr Noys’ Dog Toys with Kong referring to their own products under both labels. It seems these soft plush safe dog toys definitely have the strong double Velcro closure that we like which allows us to remove the squeaker from the dog toy – the squeaker is in its own separate pouch. We also noticed that these particular Kong dog toys are designed with no messy filling or removable stuffing so there’s no “stuffz” that ends up all over the place if the toy is dissected.
We really like a lot of the Kong dog toys (you’ll find more below). Being that I, Zeus, am a 110 lb pretty large guy, large dog toys are what I go for! Lots of them will also allow me to play tug-of-war with my buddy Charlie. But, Kong is good to consider even the tiniest toys for small dogs. Do note that the extra-small dog toys really are extra small and great for miniature and toy dog breeds. You’ll see they have sizes from x-small all the way to x-large if needed. You can find all the individual Kong removable squeaker dog toys we liked on our Dog and Puppy Toys store so you can pick the one you like best.
We noticed some reviews suggesting replacing the squeaker with a tennis ball. We love that suggestion and the large dog toys have the room to put a tennis ball in place of the squeaker which makes us even happier with regard to our safety concerns and doggy fun. Many other reviews we’ve read seem to be nicely satisfied with their purchases of these safe dog toys. We can’t wait to give these cute plush removable squeaker dog toys a try.
We need to set a doggy play date! Bring your toys.