“Going Green” seems to be the talk these days for everyone, everything and every animal! Our dogs are just as concerned with our environment and being eco-friendly as we are. Heck, they tend to be closer to it than we are at times being that they have to do so much outside!
So much, lately, have we been talking about having to be eco-friendly but also being economy-friendly too! Solar power, energy efficiency, recycled goods, re-manufactured products, biodegradable items – all of which help the environment but also help our pocket books.
At DogToyStuffz we are committed to safety and protection of not only our dogs but everything around them. So, you’ll start to see a lot of additional hand-picked dog toys with eco-friendly aspects in mind. We’ve had the Planet Dog’s Orbee Glow Ball for a while and we love it. It’s not only made of recyclable materials and non-toxic but Planet Dog is putting 100% of the sales towards their Foundation which supports canine service programs.
We’ve found tons of recyclable eco-friendly, dye-color-free dog and puppy toys. We also have general dog stuff that is all similarly green and eco-friendly. We’ve ordered a few from our dog & puppy toys list and we hope you’ll like our selection.
If you and your dogs have special eco-friendly toys and other dog stuff that uses green, recyclable or recycled materials, let us know. We’ll try to feature it here at DogToyStuffz.com.